The industry of private security business is developing rapidly all over the world. People are increasingly resorting to the services of private security guards and detectives due to regular reports of terrorist threats, natural disasters, rampant crime, mass unrest and increasing instability in society.
The first private security companies appeared in the United States back in the 80s of the 20th century, and then the idea was picked up by Western Europe. At first, security services performed mostly the primitive functions of watchmen: monitoring the facility and promptly calling the police or fire department.

The popularity of using security services has grown dramatically after insurance companies began offering discounts to customers who hire physical guards to ensure the safety of facilities, as this increases the chances of insured property being safe. Thousands of private enterprises operate today in the global security industry, millions of private security guards work, making a significant contribution to the security of their countries.
Modern private security companies provide a wide range of services: they provide personal protection of citizens and the security of the most important public and private facilities, patrol urban neighbourhoods, conduct private investigations, fight fraud and theft, escort cargo and collection, provide technical equipment for facilities, monitor the situation, provide detective services, maintain order at mass events. In other words, private security companies partially replace state structures and operate in the areas designated by the state.

Nowhere in the world does the government so often resort to the help of, for example, NYC Armed guards, as in USA. Police services are compared here with public health services: the state provides a certain minimum, and if additional or narrow-profile services are needed, you should contact a private company. Thus, professionals to protect your security in USA.